This treatment is for the active person, so you can improve performance, exceed perceived limits, and achieve your best results.
If injured, we also tailor the Pranic Healing treatments for the body and mind, to accelerate your rehabilitation and recovery.
This service was specially designed for athletes and sports teams who want to innovate and incorporate energy techniques that make a
difference in the world of sports.
We help you both psychologically and physically, and we work with individuals as well as teams.
Athletic & Sports Healing can:
- Increase your vitality to improve performance and recovery after workouts or a competition.
- Heal and reinforce the various systems; musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory …
- Improve relaxation and body and mental elasticity.
- Strengthen the internal tissues, avoiding future injuries.
- Help in the rehabilitation of ligaments, tendons, muscles, cartilage and bones damaged by acute injury or excessive overload, or after an operation.
- Reduce the stress and anxiety generated by competition and intensive training.
- Give you the tools to overcome internal blockages that prevent you from performing a better ‘performance’ providing security and confidence.
- Enhance your ability to concentrate and handle yourself in your environment more easily.
- Enhance your teamwork skills, which will in turn enhance interactions with your team mates.
- Promote team trust and group self-esteem.
- Help with Conflict resolution; player/s – player/s, coach/es – player/s and with all technical staff.
- Integrate energy practices for self-evaluation and evaluation of the shortcomings of the team.
- Create the appropriate order and function for each member of the team, learning to respect and strengthen their own and others’.