Pranic Healing® is a highly evolved and tested system of energy medicine that utilizes prana to balance, harmonize and transform the energy of your physical, emotional and mental bodies. Book your distant healing session(s) now.

Pranic Healing® is a highly evolved and tested system of energy medicine developed by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui that utilizes prana to balance, harmonize and transform the energy of your physical, emotional and mental bodies.

Healing the Physical Body

You have an energy body and Pranic Healing works on this energy body.

Because your energy body is the blueprint for the physical body, working on your energy body can heal diseases and disorders of the physical body. Most of the time, before getting sick, there has been an alteration in your energy field. With Pranic Healing we repair this energetic alteration, and this leads to rapid healing of your physical body.

Pranic Healing applies protocols scientifically studied and contrasted by health professionals, following a very rigorous and reliable methodology.

Treatments are performed as distance healing sessions, so the client must provide a photograph, their full name and date of birth. We will work with you to set up a time for the session and either call or email session results to the client.

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